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Who am I?

Updated: Apr 13, 2020

That's a very good question. Oh, crap, who am I? Well, I'm a crackhead. Okay not literally, but mentally I am. I'm eighteen. I'm a senior in high school. I've been writing since I was super little. I've been in and out of homes, growing up, but I could always look back on writing to get me to where I needed to be, well, at least, mentally. I write stories, poems, monologues, articles, and songs. My friends refer to me as an Inspirationalist, because I give good advice. If I were to refer to myself as an inspirationalist, then, I'd say that the reason for that is because I've gone through so much, that I can relate to a lot of stuff people are going through, and sometimes..Okay 80% of the time I have no idea what I'm saying but it helps them. It's weird, but I guess it's a gift. I also enjoy photography, so far, it's just of my face, but I'm working on it. Hmm, what else? Um.. I love country music, musicals, and christian music. Also pop stuff and mix of all different kids of music.

So literally this website is gonna be used to share my thoughts, experiences, and wisdom. Maybe some pictures here and there. This is just for entertainment, and a way for ya'll to see into my mind and heart. So hope you enjoy!



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